Keeping it short today!

This week has been pretty tough, again. For example, Cruz (who was super awesome and super golden) started sending us texts full of stuff about false prophets and how those who follow false prophets are going to be thrown into lakes of fire 

This week, we’ve been sharing a LOT of Moroni 7:13-15 with people.
 13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

 14 Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.

 15 For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.

BUT! On better notes! Exchanges were awesome (I went with Sister Allred into her area, and we were able to have some miraculous experiences together) and Hermana Brighton and I were able to find some incredible new people to teach! One of these people is named Jose, who was taught by missionaries in Idaho Falls two months ago and has been looking for the Spanish Branch in Kennewick so that he could continue his learning! He said he’s waiting for an answer from the Holy Ghost before “reaching his goal” of being baptized. What a solid man!

The most beautiful part is how all this transpired: We wouldn’t have found him if we hadn’t have followed the strong prompting to stop by Gabriel’s house, a contacted referral from 2 weeks ago. We were able to follow up with gabriel and as we left, there was Jose, flagging us down from the driveway! “Ustedes son las misioneras!? De la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias?! DONDE ESTA LA CAPILLA!?!”) So pretty much he knew who we were, what church we’re from and demanded to know where the chapel is hahahah. It was a most excellent encounter.

We also now have an on-date for baptism! Not Jose – his name is Adrian. If I had more time, I’d go into more detail. Life, man.

So it’s been a pretty great week! We’ve just been working on using the Book of Mormon to help people come closer to Christ and understand that the restored truths of the gospel really do bless lives 🙂

Attached are two pictures: One of Hermana Brighton and I with this AWESOME sunset that took place after the baptism of Mateo and Guadalupe this past Saturday night, and another of me a “look out for bees” sign that’s at the very small entrance of this trailer park where a lot of our investigators live. There were no bees occupying the area when it was taken. Those poor postal workers. My hats off to them.

I hope everyone has a great week! Stay righteous!

Hermana Mrozek




This week began the official cherry-picking-season, and already our house is overflowing with them. What a wonderful problem: to have more fruit than you know what to do with it. Las Hermanas Trujillo (two of our awesome recent converts) started their 7-days-a-week, 3 week long, 4am-5pm picking shifts on Thursday – which is sad- but they brought us back tons of the sweetest, juiciest cherries I’ve ever had in my LIFE. Store bought cherries have nothin’ on these babies!

And as if fruit from the field wasn’t enough, so many people have cherry trees growing in their front yards, LADEN with fruit. Hermana Brighton, who is from Texas, gets excited to see two things: quails and cherry trees. So when we were on our way to contact a referral in a rather weather worn trailer park, and there was a magnificent cherry tree growing in someone’s garden right next to the gravel road, she stopped to ogle at it. As Hermana Brighton was ogling the tree, and it’s many deep red gems of deliciousness, the curtains opened in the window of the trailer (directly behind it’s branches) to reveal a very stern Hispanic woman, warning us with her face to don’t even dare think about touching those cherries. We weren’t going to touch the cherries to begin with, honestly, but her scowl cleared us out from in front of her house just as quick as lightning, her eyes piercing our backs as we walked.
But, as we scurried away, we thought to ourselves: we owe it to her to compliment her tree, and explain that we were not cherry thieves, but missionaries! So when our referral wasn’t there, we walked back to her trailer, wrestled our way through the gate, and knocked. Her name ended up being Maria, and when we explained that we’re missionaries and told her how we didn’t want to steal her fruit but admire it, she very casually pretended like she never thought we were fruit thieves… heh. False.

So we shared the message of the Restored Gospel with her, and our return appointment with her is tonight at 6pm! 🙂 We’re super excited, and because we don’t know her last name, we just call her Maria de los Cherry. Just goes to show that sometimes you can’t judge a situation based on what you think would produce a negative result.

But still on the topic of fruits and vegetables, we’ve also been receiving a LOT of mangos. And they’re the best mangos we’ve ever had in our life. They’re smaller, more orange, and lo mas dulce! We got our first ones from our great investigators named Sabina and Hemilio, and then some more last night from our awesome new investigator named Cruz.
We found Cruz on Saturday night, while trying to contact a referral that was definitely a wrong-address-gone-right. Because there’s too much that’s awesome about Cruz, here’s some brief bullet points of our first encounter:

  • He reads the Bible, and asked us where Cain’s wife came from (Because the account in Genesis says that literally only Adam, Eve, Cain and Able existed in the earth at the time.) In fact, he literally RAN to go get his Bible before asking us his question.
  • He has been trying to figure out where to turn for answers about God/the doctrine in the Bible, and asked us why there’s so many religions -queue the Joseph Smith experience-
  • After hearing the story of Joseph Smith, he asked how to pray. He was raised Catholic “creyente” (so, not practicing) but he didn’t know that you were allowed to pray something other than the Lord’s Prayer. He also kept referring to Joseph Smith and his experience throughout the rest of the lesson.
  • He is so excited to read in the Book of Mormon, and last night at the follow-up appointment that HE set, he was excited to ask our members that we took with us questions about their conversion, and how they knew all this is true.

So that’s Cruz 🙂 We have to figure out where he orders those mangos in bulk. Probably in the same place that one could buy Chayote.

Chayote is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever had. It’s outside looks like… a foot-ball sized hedgehog. And it’s SUPER thorny. Mexicans love ’em! Me? I think they taste like zucchini flavored baby food. We also had the needle-skin chayote on the same day that Elders Doman/Laffiteau, Hermanas Jaccard/Cortes and nosotras went to do service at Norma’s house. What went from a simple carne asada lunch/rock moving project turned into Norma deciding to have us rip out all of her rose bushes! D: And, subsequently, rip apart all our skin. It was so very literally painful to torture those beautiful, blooming bushes. Granted, they were pretty diseased. But the disease in the plant added a certain je ne sais quoi to the coloring! 😦
We decided to start weaving the blooms into our hair, and the picture below shows how my head turned out. Jajaj while tucking a flower into Hermana Cortes’ french braid, I spotted an ENORMOUS earwig wriggling around in the petals at which point I gasped and pointed, saying “there’s a – there’s a – !!!!”
She didn’t need any more explanation, apparently, because Hermana Cortes let out the screech of a wounded she-dragon, and wrenched the bloom from her hair. When it hit the ground, we all watched in horror as THREE of the enormous earwigs scurried out for dear life.
Hermana Cortes didn’t put any more flowers in her hair.
We do a lot of service though, planned and unplanned 🙂 I don’t know if I mentioned last week how one Sunday we found this CUTE old couple named Marilyn and Galen trying to trim their hedges, and after some haggling, they consented to hand over the shears and let us do it. Galen told us how he loves to read, and so Hermana Brighton asked him if he’d ever had a chance to read in the Book of Mormon. After a very wonderful hour, we left them with a copy, he promised to read in it, and we hope the English elders have had a chance to stop by. Maybe we’ll swing in again when their wisteria looks like it could use another trim.
The last story I want to share is the story about the monsoon that took place here one night about a week ago. As we began our 9pm trip home, some AWESOME thunder and lightning started rolling in, along with some heavy storm clouds. By the time we finished our planning, it was raining furiously. We watched the storm from our sliding living room door, listening to the upstairs neighbors comment drunkenly on each lightning bolt and thunder clap from their balcony. It wasn’t too long before the temptation was too strong and we took off RUNNING into the rain. There’s this super huge basketball court about 30 yards outside of our building, and we had this great idea to go annoy the other Hermanas on the other side of the complex. As soon as we hit that basketball court to cross, though, Hermana Brighton slipped for all she was worth, and went down hard on the pavement. When it was assure that nothing was broken, we started DYING laughing. Because all of those drunk neighbors saw, and it was raining SO. HARD. and it was totally a wake up call to how stupid our idea was. So, obviously we returned to the safety of our home, and took a picture of us being soaking wet. Lesson learned: Sometimes the Lord lets you slip, so that you can realize you’re not where you’re supposed to be, doing what you’re supposed to be doing.
And so, the literal and spiritual fruit of this week has been great! Hermana Brighton and I are so excited to be working together, and seeing all these miracles together 🙂


Alma 26:17

It’s Temple PDay, so I’m pretty low on time, but I just wanted to write a little bit about this week.

To sum it up: it’s been hard. Even just yesterday alone has been hard. For example…

We have been riding a roller coaster named Maria Nunez (on date, then off date, then making promises, then breaking them, then jdfksjahdfkjshaduf) for the past 3 weeks! And yesterday Hermana Brighton and I had to call it quits with her via sticky note on her front door.

(She missed her baptismal interview, leaving us high and dry AGAIN, murdering member trust with the hermana who took time out of her day to come pick her up.)

That was riiiight after being yelled at by an old lady that we’re all polygamists and that she doesn’t want us to try and convince her to be a slave to any man.

And also riiiiight after some man we gave a Book of Mormon to immediately threw it on the ground laughing.

And just riiiiiight before getting yelled at by a very mean man (“you’re wasting our time and need to leave”/”no one cares about your message so just stop”/etc.) in the middle on an incredibly spirit filled first-door-step lesson with his wife (who was so absolutely mortified).

(The plus side is that she’s super close with her LDS grandma, has LDS friends, and was actually interested in hearing the message of the restoration. And she at the least has a Book of Mormon, and our number.)

Honestly, the funniest opposition we faced yesterday was when we were walking down W Hood Avenue, heading to contact a referral, and this man drove by us and screamed from his car “DEVIL LOVERS!” but what it really sounded like, because of the echo, was someone screaming (quite angrily) was “DEVILED EGGS!” at us.

But even in all of this hard stuff, I have to second The Standard of Truth:
“The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”

So, with no solid investigators or potentials, and all the reasons in the world to be discouraged, Hermana Brighton and I are going to keep on keepin’ on 🙂 Even if no one cares, or if they want to yell at us, or hold on to their completely incorrect misconceptions, at least we know how important this is! The least we can do is try 🙂

So yeah. I guess that’s it 🙂

Have a great week, everyone!